Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Jule's favorites...

There are several things that Jule has found that she loves here in America.

1)  Naked Juice!  We have been DRINKING broccoli and spinach and carrots.  :)  She will tell you that it's SO GOOD!  (And I know that she's NOT just appeasing me, because she gets it from the refrigerator by herself.)   :)

2)  Pop-Tarts:  Oh... the sweet goodness of this breakfast treat!  Jule has come to love these and has had them for breakfast almost every day.  She has watched me burn them in the toaster at least once.  I'm sure this will happen again.  Jule will testify that I cannot smell, so when things start burning, I don't know until the kitchen fills with smoke.  Jule will be my nose while she is here.  

3)  Blackberries!  These berries are similar to raspberries and grow wild in this part of the country.  You may have them in Germany, but not sure if they're called the same thing.

4)  Mexican food.  I've mentioned this in an earlier blog, but she REALLY likes Mexican food!

5)  Goldfish.  Soooo good.  I put these in her lunch.

6)  Tonight she's going to experience Papa Murphy's pizza.  She just watched it being made.  We'll pop it in the oven soon.  We have orientation with Lisa from CCI tonight!

1 comment:

  1. This blog is fabulous! I truly enjoyed reading it and will look forward to more posts. Thank you again for a wonderful evening with you and Jule. The pizza WAS wonderful as was the company. I'm going to have to try Naked juice myself, I keep hearing it is good, but have been scared to drink my veggies! Blackberries are a favorite at my house and my children pick them wild every summer so we can make jam to enjoy throughout the year.
    I'm looking forward to more of Jule's adventures! If you ever get to Hot Springs, let me know and I will happily play "tour guide" for our famous hot springs and bath houses.

    ~Lisa - CCI Local Coordinator
