Saturday, August 18, 2012

Jule has arrived!

Well, Jule has arrived! :) I met Jule at the Bill and Hillary Clinton Airport last night around 6:30 p.m. U.S. Central Standard Time.  This is seven hours behind her time in Unna.  She was tired and HUNGRY!  So, we drove to her new house at 507 Verona Ave in Sherwood, Arkansas and dropped her bags.  She said that a steak sounded good to eat, so we went to her first US restaurant called Texas Roadhouse Grill.

When you enter Texas Roadhouse Grill, the thing that you notice most is that there are thousands of peanut shells on the floor.  While you are waiting for a table, you may eat as many peanuts as you wish... and there's nowhere to put the shells, so you throw them on the floor.  It's odd, and would never happen in a German restaurant for sure, but it's just one of the strange things about some American restaurants.  So... Jule did the same as the other people at the restaurant... she threw her shells on the floor!  :)

Since American restaurants are busy, you are given a small device that will blink and buzz when your table is ready.  I guess this was new to Jule since I needed to explain what it would do.  :)  The other thing that she learned about American restaurants... the waiters and waitresses won't leave you alone.  They come by every five to ten minutes and ask if you need more of this or that, whether you're happy with your meal, and if you need anything.  Since I have traveled often, I know that this is a big difference between America and many other countries.

Her first meal was an 8 ounce sirloin steak, a baked potato with sour cream and cheese and bacon on the side, corn, water with LOTS of ice, and... oh.... the bread!  :)  She will tell you about the bread.  :)  It's soft and warm and the butter that is delivered with it is very sweet with some cinnamon.  The servers (waiters/waitresses) will bring as much as you want to your table.  I told Jule "This is why Americans are fat."

When we returned home, she began unpacking into her new bedroom and then she was ready for sleep!  :)

Today we will do lots of shopping for groceries and school supplies.  It appears that she will see her first American thunder storm.  She's still asleep, but I hear thunder coming!  I will have to educate her on tornadoes and what to do if one comes here.  They're fairly common in this part of the country.

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