Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thanksgiving OLD Traditions

Thanksgiving Day is the holiday in America where we celebrate things that we are thankful for.  Family, friends, and good food are important that day.  The tradition was started hundreds of years ago as a celebration of the year's harvest.  Today, there are many traditions that are completely unrelated to "giving thanks" that I'll cover in another blog.

This is a famous Norman Rockwell painting depicting Thanksgiving in America.

Thanksgiving Day is always the fourth Thursday of November.  Generally people are off work Thursday and Friday both.

Thanksgiving Day meal traditions:  Eating "turkey and dressing" is essential on Thanksgiving Day.  My mother happens to be great at making Thanksgiving dinner.  Here is a traditional Thanksgiving Day meal:

Turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, green beans, gravy and cranberry sauce.

I'd LOVE for you to make American turkey (or chicken) and dressing on Thursday, November 26th so we can have the same experience!

1)  Make your turkey or chicken however you'd like to.  Boil, bake... whatever.  The tradition in America is to bake it.
2)  Make your "corn bread dressing".  RECIPE COMING SOON!
3)  Cook some green beans or carrots on the stove.  Or make a "green bean casserole".  Recipe below in German.
4)  Make a "gravy" to pour over the dressing and meat.  (See picture above.)  A turkey or chicken flavored gravy is best.  The gravy is important because the dressing is supposed to be a bit dry.

grüner Bohnen Auflauf

2,5 Esslöffel Butter
100 ml gewürfelte Zwiebeln
500 ml geschnittenen grünen Bohnen
750 ml Hühnerbrühe
1 kleine Dose Creme der Pilzsuppe
1 kleine Dose Röstzwiebeln
Salz, Pfeffer und Knoblauch, Salz nach Geschmack
250 ml geriebenen Cheddar-Käse


Heizen Sie den Backofen auf 176 Grad C.

Die Butter in einer großen Pfanne. Brown die Zwiebeln in der Butter. Kochen Sie grüne Bohnen in Hühnerbrühe für 10 Minuten und abtropfen lassen. Fügen Sie die grünen Bohnen, Pilzsuppe, und Röstzwiebeln der großen Pfanne. Mit Salz, Pfeffer und Knoblauch mit Salz abschmecken. Gut umrühren. Gießen Sie in Auflaufform. 20 Minuten backen, dann oben auf der Kasserolle mit dem Cheddar und backen für 10 Minuten länger, oder bis der Topf heiß ist und der Käse geschmolzen ist.

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