Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Homecoming Tradition

If you're on Jule's Facebook page, you probably saw that I posted that Jule got her "homecoming" dress for this weekend.  I think that homecoming is an American tradition, so let me explain this cultural event that Jule will attend!

"Homecoming" is what it sounds like... coming home.  It is a time during the school year when alumni (past students) return to the school to remember the good times.  Generally this event is centered around a game of some type.  For Jule, this will be an American football game.

All week the students celebrate in preparation for the Homecoming game.  Jule has to dress a certain way each day for school.  Monday was "pink day" and today is "tacky day" (bad style day).  I'll post pictures of each day later, but I can tell you that today it looks like Jule got dressed in the dark.  Her clothes do not match, that's for sure.  We dug through my closets and boxes of clothes last night to find something else for her to wear that was "tacky".  I'm actually glad that we didn't find anything that looked tacky enough.   :)

Friday night will be the "Homecoming" football game.  Generally there is a "Homecoming court" of four or five boys and girls (couples) who have been nominated by the students to see who will be king and queen.  The students of the school vote to determine who wins, and the coronation of the king and queen is generally done at the football game.  It's just a tradition. 

To the left you will see the Homecoming princess and queen from last year at North Pulaski High School, just a few miles from Jule's school.  (I couldn't find a picture of the Sylvan Hills queen from last year.)  This just gives you an example of how the girls dress for Homecoming night.

The king and queen then reign over the Homecoming dance / banquet that is held the next night.  The girls dress in their sparkly dresses and dance the night away.  Boys generally wear a suit.  (Homecoming is not as fancy as Prom, where the boys wear a tuxedo and the girls' dresses are even more formal.  If you don't know what Prom is, I'll explain in a later blog.)  Jule's Homecoming dance will be held in the school cafeteria.

This is the Homecoming Court from this year at Sylvan Hills
I'm not going to give you any clues about what Jule's dress looks like.  You'll have to wait until Saturday night / Sunday morning to see!  :)

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