Saturday, October 13, 2012

We Have a Redneck Olympian!

As I've been promising for months now, we traveled to Clinton, Arkansas on October 13th to participate in the Redneck Games of Arkansas.  We wore our best Redneck clothes and teeth so that we'd fit in with the crowd.

I have good news to report.  Jule is officially a Redneck Olympian!  She has won a silver medal in the roadkill toss.  What is that????  I'll explain below.

Jule's friends Andrea and her sister Daani are also Redneck Olympians.

If you haven't been reading the blog, then you may not know what a "redneck" is.  To state it again, a redneck is a low-class person who is generally stuck in old fashions and doesn't care too much about how he or she looks.  A redneck most of the time has no job, drives a very old truck, and has a dog that rides in the back of the truck.  He (or she) might chew tobacco, have really bad teeth, wear pajamas to Wal-Mart and be just all-around "tacky" in appearance.  A redneck would be poor, so creativity is needed to have fun.  (For instance, instead of going to a water park, a redneck might just put some plastic trash bags on the ground in the back yard and squirt water on them to make a water slide.)  Rednecks usually have deep southern accents.  You can ask Jule about how our accents differ from one place to another in America.

The girls posing with some other Redneck Olympians.

Here are a few of the events:
1)  Redneck Bowling:  rolling a tire into empty garbage cans to see who can knock down the most.  Jule's friend Daani took a bronze medal in this competition.
2)  Roadkill Toss:  (Roadkill = a dead animal that has been hit by a vehicle.)  The Roadkill Toss game is where you throw a (fake) dead animal as far as you can.  Jule tossed a skunk the second farthest and came away with a silver medal.  Andrea got a gold medal.
3)  Wheelbarrow Race:  Put your friend in a wheelbarrow and complete an obstacle course.  Andrea pushed Jule, but the girls got stuck going around the barrels and lost.  :(
4)  Three-man Slingshot:  Two people (Jule and Daani) held a giant slingshot while Andrea slung eggs and apples at a broken-down truck.  The girls were VERY good at this.
Others:  Hay bale roll, seed spitting contest, lawnmower races, and more that I can't remember.

Redneck Bowling

Roadkill Toss

Three-WOman Slingshot

Wheelbarrow Races

Of course, I had my camera out and wanted to get pictures of everything.  So I made the girls do "Redneck profile pictures."  And here's what we got:




I hope you laughed as hard looking at these as I did while I took them!  

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