Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday = Fun Day

We slept late on Sunday and then headed out for a quick lesson on powered paragliding.  My father showed us how the rig works, let the kids try it on to see how heavy it is, and then showed us how the wing (parachute) works with the wind.

Grandpa Marret flying over so that I could get a good picture.

Jule in the powered paraglider rig.

Next, we cleaned up the shop where we were staying and then headed back to Pocahontas for lunch with my mother.  She had made Goulash for us.  I know this is a dish made in Germany at times.  She makes it in more of the Hungarian style.

With bellies full, we headed out to the Eleven Point River about 8 miles from my mother's house.  She has a friend (Fred) who owns a cabin on the river.  This is where she spends most of her days.

This river is very clear and very cold because it's spring fed.  This year, we've experienced quite a bad drought in this part of the country, so the river is extremely low.  On a normal year, the log we're sitting on would be many feet / meters under water.
As we were sitting here, I was telling the girls that the snakes are REALLY bad in this area.  The most feared are the copperheads and the water moccasins (aka "cottonmouth").  These are poisonous snakes and are native to the area.  And just at that time my mother spotted one watching us from a few feet away.  I HATE snakes.  I run and scream like a crazy person.  So at that point we quickly got off the log and back onto ground where I can run.

We (well, they) did a little fishing with worms.  All the kids caught fish.  Marissa caught probably the best one... a Kentucky Bass.  We were doing catch and release, so no fish fry.  :(

Because of homework, we left around 3 p.m. to get back to Little Rock around 5 p.m.

We had a good weekend.  The weather was spectacular, as you can probably tell from the pictures!  Blue skies, not too hot, not too cold.  Juuuuuussssstttttt right.  ;)

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