Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Presidential Election Year in America

Jule gets to witness an election year in America!  We have an election every four years, and there is a two-time term limit on any candidate.  Our current president is Democrat Barack Obama.  He is running for re-election against the Republican candidate Mitt Romney.

I'm quite sure she'll LOVE this photoshop job!
No matter what you hear, both men are good men.  They are smart, successful, dedicated family men who want nothing more than to serve their country.  They differ in philosophies of how to manage the complexities of our government, but they both want to serve and try to do better for us... for U.S.  There are millions of people here (as in any country) who wish to complain about how bad we have it.  They are not willing to lift a finger to make a change, but will only lift their tongues.  These two men, if nothing else, deserve our respect for trying to do something.  The job of president is undoubtedly the most stressful job in this country.  It comes with the luxury of having 150 million people (half of all Americans) hate you every day.  Kudos for both candidates for being willing to give up their lives and sanity for four years to do the best they can do.

I am thankful for those who serve, even though I don't agree with all policies.

Best of luck to both candidates as we near November!

And for a little fun...


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