Saturday, December 15, 2012

Dirty Santa at Laura's

On Saturday night, we attended our friend Laura's Christmas party where we played "Dirty Santa."

The Womack Family:  Brad, Maddie, Laura and Brooke
Laura is famous for putting together parties at her house.  She is a "social butterfly" as we say. 

We played "dirty santa" at Laura's house.  If you haven't played this in Germany, then you simply must put this into your yearly Christmas tradition.  Jule had not heard of this game, but I will be surprised if the adults don't know how to play it.

How to play "Dirty Santa"
1)  Everyone brings a gift to the party.  Set a price limit.  Ours was $25.
2)  Write on paper the number of gifts... one through X.  If there are 18 players for example, make one through eighteen.  Then have each player draw a number.
3)  The person with #1 grabs a present from the pile and opens it and shows everyone.
4)  Player #2 can either STEAL any gift that has already been opened, or open a new gift.
5)  Player #3 can either STEAL any gift that has already been opened, or open a new gift.
...and so on...

Continue this stealing and opening until all the presents are gone.

-If the gift that you hold is stolen, you can either steal someone else's gift OR open a new gift.
-A gift can be stolen only THREE TIMES.  On the third steal, the gift is "locked" and it can't be stolen anymore.
-A gift can be stolen only once until the next player's turn begins.  (If you steal my cookies, nobody can steal the cookies from you until the next player begins his/her turn.)

This game is best played with just adults since kids tend to get their feelings hurt with all the stealing.

So what did I get in dirty Santa?  I strategically won a bottle of honey whiskey.  I stole it for the third time and therefore locked it to myself!  Do I drink whiskey?  No!  But... everyone wanted that bottle of whiskey.  And because it was dirty Santa... I wanted it too!  I'll donate it back at Laura's next party.

OH YEAH!  How could I forget?  We had a special appearance by Justin Beiber!  (Or, Justin BAY-BUH as we know it.)

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